Back in the studio this week creating our Coconut & Lime Beeswax Melts. These melts were inspired by my Mum Irene. She loves the fragrance of Coconut & Lime. She says it reminds her of her days relaxing on Currumbin Beach when she was younger coating Herself in coconut oil and sun baking in the blazing sun. Turquoise is one of Mum’s favourite colours and she also enjoys decorating her home with turtle figurines. With all this in mind, the combination of fragrance, colour and shape created itself.

For me, these little turtles throw off a Beachy scent making me reminisce of all the times spent at the local beaches of Lennox or Ballina with my kids lathering them in coconut-scented sunscreen. Times have changed.

It has been a while since I have had a chance to restock our melts. Our Beeswax Candle took over the market tables so there was no space for the melts to be displayed. However, a few weeks ago I constructed a new display board for the melts so we are back in action. I have been quite busy working on many different melts. Over the next few weeks, I will be posting some videos on our social media accounts demonstrating how we make our melts. Look for the Coconut & Lime Beeswax Melts Vlog next week.

Our Kids Bronte and Patrick also have had a go at creating their very own Fragrance melts. They chose every aspect for creating their melts, from the mould (Shape), fragrance and colour (mica) and of course every good melt has to have Bio Glitter. Keep an eye out for Brontes Passionfruit and Purple Violet Mushrooms and Patricks Huckleberry Stars they will be restocked online in the coming days. They are already available at our local market.

Where to find us.

Evans Head Markets every Friday 2pm-6pm

Ballina Farmers & Producers Market every Sunday 7am-11am

To grab yourself some of these beachy turtle melts you can find them online here:

Keep your eye out for our Beeswax Melt Vlogs Coming out soon

Our Socials


Beeswax Melts Coconut and lime Turtles

The Finished Product a lovely fragrance of Coconut and lime.

Beeswax Melts coconut and lime Turtles

Pouring out the moulds must be done rather quickly as beeswax likes to set fast.

de-moulding the turtles is a fragile and delicate process but the results are beaytiful

De-moulding these little turles, is a fragile and delicate process.

Beeswax Melts from Ballina. Coconut and lime fragrance melts, turquoise

Beeswax melt turtle melting Ballina coconut and lime fragrance